Jennifer Love

STEM Teacher
Anna Brochhausen Elementary

My name is Jennifer Love. I am a STEM teacher here at Indianapolis Public Schools at Anna Brochhausen Elementary.

What do you like most about teaching here?

I love our students. They are amazing. Our students, they just have bright ideas. They come in wanting to learn about STEM and you know, I just love to see their faces and they give me love back. So it's wonderful.

I'm curious if you have any particular stories?

I actually have lots of stories, but I'll particularly share one from yesterday. I had a group of students and we did a STEM challenge, which is the stacking challenge. They could choose which group they wanted to go to. They could stack either cups, cards or blocks. All the students, of course wanted to stack the cups. And one student in particular, he was really upset about not being able to get to stack the cups. And so he had the cards, but he had so much success that when it was all over, he was so proud and excited about what he did. I got a chance to reflect with him and I said, how do you feel now that the assignment is over? How do you feel about not being able to do the cups? And he was like ‘I'm just super excited that I got a chance to do this and it was so much fun.’ For that to be the first day, that's exciting to hear. Okay, I need to keep doing this to keep the students engaged and keep them in the right direction.


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